HYN - Faithful blog readers.
You horny fools.
We will return in January with new post.
Be Safe, and as always Do You.
Sue Heffer
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy "Soulful" do You New Year 2012
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Waiting To Exhale – Different Decade –Same Black Man problems
Ahhhhh yes… that wonderful week after Christmas –during Kwanzaa – and before New Years when one is afforded that rare opportunity to watch a few movies. As I am in the process of writing a stage play and screenplay simultaneously that has black women’s roles – don’t ask, yes I’m crazy. I decided to catch up on some “sistah” movies. First out the box Waiting to Exhale. A movie about 4 friends with relationship problems. Each sistah’s relationship with her man is worse than the next. I remember watching the movie when it first debuted in 1995, but I didn’t remember anything about the movie, except that it was enjoyable. Of course I was 15 years younger. Now that I’m 15 years older and hopefully wiser - Hello, I wrote the Soulful Vagina Playbook - that movie didn’t go over to well with me. That’s probably because I once saw myself and so many people I know, or read about, in those real life roles with the wack men in that movie.
The wack men. A drunk, drug dealer. A cheater. On the down low. Married. Married to White women. Inadequate, with ugly inward and outward appearance. Prison? Don’t recall that any of them were incarcerated.
Thankfully, I am no longer involved with a wack-black man. Can’t say the same about a few of my sistah-friends though.
Here’s to the New Year. Hoping my black, brown, yellow and white sistah-friends find true happiness – whatever that means.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Top Ten Lying Black men of 2011
As the New Year quickly approaches; I am so ready to forget about the top ten lying black men of 2011. Combined these black men’s transgressions include involuntary manslaughter, sexual misconduct against black women, white women and black boys, drug addiction, denial, cheating and the list goes on and on, not in any particular order.
I really hated to compile this black list, because the bulk of hate in America is directed towards the black man, but these men deserve the scorn they’ve received.
Herman Cain – Former Republican candidate Herman Cain rise to chocolate walnut flavor of the month and lead in 2011 GOP polls lasted just over two months. But sexual allegations against Cain by white women will last a lifetime. Ginger White, the women who claimed she had a 13- year affair with Cain finally derailed his train. Cain claimed with much soul searching and praying he dropped out of the race, but we all know it was his white lies and his wife’s migraines that brought his campaign train to a stop.
The last black man that had that many white women come out against him was um…
Tiger Woods – The only difference between the two is that all of Tiger’s women (up to sixteen have emerged) appeared to be money-hungry willing participants. Tiger’s troubles begin Thanksgiving of 2009. But he makes this list because the curse of his Tiger, follows him nonstop. Stories of Tiger and women continued to seep out in 2011, although he is now divorced. Tiger’s biggest lie is his denial of his blackness. Remember he claimed to be Cablinasian?
Apostle Claver - Chances are many of you have never heard of Claver. AKA Herman’s side piece. Google this undercover sweet “Christian.”
Conrad Murray – It wasn’t apparent how big of a big fat liar Murray was until he did that NBC interview. After the interview and trial many asked did the doctor have more propofol or women and babies. In November Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced to four years in jail for involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson – I really hope that the King of Pop is resting in propofol peace. It’s a shame he never found peace on earth. He’s was a beautiful brown boy that turned into drug addicted white women. Also, he was an accused child molester that settled. And why did MJ settle out of court if he didn’t mess with the little boys? MJ makes the list because the media will forever keep him in the spotlight.
Eddie Long – Is there anything worst than a lying man of God? Instead of mentoring
the :Longfellows – Eddie long was sexually abusing them. All the while he was pastor of a mega church. What’s most troubling is that the men he molested continue to make the news and get into trouble. Money might be able to buy silence, but it can’t repair the damage done by molestation. Long claimed he had five rocks – maybe he meant cocks.
Clarence Thomas – That was his pubic hair on that coke can. But then that was a long time ago. More recently Supreme Court Justice Thomas has been accused of failing to report his white wife’s income from a conservative think tank on disclosure forms. Hell yes Supreme court justices should be term limited.
Allen West – (R – FL), this negro with the high top fade said the Democratic Party has created a “21-century plantation” over black voters and wants to keep us on the plantation. Yet this past summer when his brother was unemployed and looking for work – he sent his brother Arlen West to the plantation – the Congressional Black Caucus’s job fair. West is a liar that speaks with a fork tongue.
Alan Keyes – (R-hell) Former candidate for the U.S. Senate once said reparations was an “insult to our slave ancestors.” Seriously Alan? I won’t even repeat what he has said about President Obama. It’s one thing to constructively criticize the president, but his comments about the president are dangerous.
Ray Carruth – Some of you may not know this disgraced former football player who was convicted of hiring a hit man to kill the mother (Cherica Adams) of his unborn child because he didn’t want to pay child support. Carruth ended up going to prison for murdering Adams . Their child, Chancellor Lee Adams survived the ambush, but was born with cerebral palsy. Chancellor should be about eleven years old this year.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Merry Christmas - Free lapdance?????
Did anyone else see this story? A strip club in Chicago has come up with a very different incentive to get people to donate toys to needy kids - free lapdances! The managers of the Admiral Club have strict rules though: you can only bring a new toy, and no matter how many toys you bring, you can only get one free lapdance! If you’re wondering if folks who love lapdances also love the kids, according to one source, the club collected three carloads of toys in last year’s toy drive! SIDENOTE: Let’s just pray that they hand over their toy before they get their free dance ...
Sunday, November 27, 2011
How do you deal with a non-committal relationship that ends during the holiday?
Check this article out for some holiday cheer. Don't break up - break out!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving.....we're lovin' it......
"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings" - Eric Hoffer.
Great Blog post soon.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Foxy Knoxy - Sex sells
Sex sells well.
Sex is swell.
Sex sells well.
Sex can smell.
Sex can make you yell.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Death of the Playboy - Pillsbury Dough - Saturday Fun
TRAGIC NEWS: Another great icon of the culinary community, The Pillsbury Dough Boy died today of a yeast infection & traumatic complications from repeated pokes to his belly. He was 71. Dough Boy is survived by his wife Play Dough, 3 children: John Dough, Jane Dough, & Dill Dough, plus 1 in the Oven.
Services will be held at 3:50 for about 20 mins.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Summer Eve's commercial offensive to black women?
Is this commerical about the vagina offensive to black women.
Natural Douche recipe (one treatment)
2 quarts of (purified, nonchlorinated water)
4 tablespoons peppermint, rosemary, or yarrow
Bring water to a boil, remove from heat.
Add herb of choice, steep for 2 hours.
Strain with coffee filter
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sistahs, Why are we making Patty Brisben rich?
Sistahs, Why are we making Patty Brisben rich?
On both Friday and Saturday I went to a Pure Romance Party. In case you don’t know, Patty Brisben is the founder of Pure Romance an in-home party company that sells sex toys, creams, and lubricant. The parties that I attended were as different as night and day. The Friday party was a “hood” party comprised of about 20 scantily dressed little drunken skanks who were being entertained by a thuggish looking stripper who threatened to quit stripping because in his words the ladies weren’t “making it rain” - paying him tips. One by one these little skanks met with the Pure romance consultant and dropped a boat load of cash on the overpriced products.
On Saturday I attended a more upscale event were a 40 and up crowd of horny women with dry coochies spent a ton of money hoping to get a miracle, some cream or toy that would turn their old coochie back into a Soulful Vagina.
In order to support the host and the consultant, I too plucked over some cash on creams and a sex toy, a bullet, that did not work. Not did not work as in satisfy me—the damn cheap China sex toy was broken.
Now I’m not really “hating” on Patty B, and don’t get me wrong I totally admire the way she grew her business. I plan to attend more Pure Romance parties because I can learn things at the parties that can help me grow my business.
The problems I have with Pure Romance products is that they are marked up 200 percent, some of the products don’t really do what they claim (although that arousal cream got me going, too bad the bullet didn’t shoot – broken sex toy. And even though some of products don’t really do what they claim - they smell good come in cute bottles and the catalyst that allowed us women to share a good laugh and some good sex stories.
As we work to develop our lubricants and orgasms sprays, develop a line of panties, tanks and night shirts, our question to our supporters (black, brown, yellow and white – sistahs) is this—why are we making Pure Romance rich? Her products (sex toys) aren't made in America, are they?
Do tell?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Zumba workouts help you get your 'sexy’ back Zumbalicious
The class is so fun and there is a lot of high energy in the room. People express themselves through body movements.
Today in class one sistah was really “showing out.” She was working it out. I wasn’t surprise to later find out that she teaches African dance classes.
If you’re tired of your same boring work out, go to Zumba.com and sign up for Zumba classes—go head, get your sexy on!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Celebrate you this July 4th!
Celebrate and do you!
We will be back with a juicy post after the holday weekend.
Celebrate and Enjoy. Be safe.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Anthony Weiner's package
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Soulful or Ghetto
At her graduation she rocked pink and red hair. I coulnd’t help but think that she may be limited in her job options with her creative hairstyle. I didn’t mention her hairstyle may limit her job options for a couple of reasons. First, she’s a smart girl and I think she’ll change her hair when she enters the work place. Second, I wear a natural kinky hairstyle that her older sister hates. She tells me how much she hates my hair everytime that she sees me. Her comments offend me and since I choose to uplift and not offend-I rarely offer my opinion on hairstyle, etc.
So I’m wondering, Dear Readers, what are your thoughts on outrageous hairstyles? Ghetto or Fab?
My jobs allow me to wear my hair how I damn well please (for the most part). But if my hairstyle hindered my ability to work– I might change jobs. Not my hair. What would you do?
Do tell.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Sue Heffer can help Sister Francis
Stroll down to end...
We seriously consider all submissions. Don’t contact us if you want to get paid, contact us if you want to be infamous! We love to mix politics and pleasure. In the upcoming weeks, we will share hot pixs of soulful women, and political opinion pieces. Check our site often and spread the word.
Look for us on an upcoming episode of the hit TV show Shark Tank
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What is a Soulful Vagina online ragazine?
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Hot! |
Soulful Vagina is an online ragazine. We publish pictures of liberated women and men (mostly black women) doing liberated acts. We also publish journalism and fiction. If you have something you want to share, send us an email to soulfulvagina@yahoo.com Attn: Sue Heffer
We seriously consider all submissions. Don’t contact us if you want to get paid, contact us if you want to be infamous! We love to mix politics and pleasure. In the upcoming weeks, we will share hot pixs of soulful women, and political opinion pieces. Check our site often and spread the word.
Look for us on an upcoming episode of the hit TV show Shark Tank
Continue reading until we merge the two....
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
How to clean yor Soulful Vagina
What aspect of your life needs spring cleaning?
And we are not sure what to think of this video.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Safer Sex....your thoughts....
Thursday, March 24, 2011
How do you unwind?
Tonight will unwind with a home cooked meal and red wine.
After a long day of work, and being stuck in traffic-- it's definitely time to unwind.
Picked up a used copy of Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities at the bookstore.
Want to read the book, recently it was on Oprah's book club read list.
Read it in college, many years ago, remember that there were so many explosive themes running throughout the book.
Good night. Sweet dreams, readers.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Would you pay for it?
If you could pay for you admission into heaven and sin as much as you wanted, would you?
Should churches with declining memberships pay with food, coffee, and lotteries to attract new members?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Greetings Sunday Sinners.....
Dear Blog readers:
Sorry that we haven't updated in a few days. We're still trying to figure out in which direction to take SV. Everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong. The product ladies dissappeared. There have been setbacks with the books, the printing, the artwork, etc. We are getting t-shirts and even that is not going smoothly.
But we love you all, we thank you for checking this blog and our website. We welcome your feedback. And we hope to bring you something really wonderful, real soon.
In the meantime, "do you."
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Saturday Quickie
Celebrate you by keeping a harmonious song in your heart and elsewhere. Why don’t some people speak? Hello. Why don’t they think before they speak? Who knows.
And the beat goes on. Doesn’t it? Themes flow through our lives. The themes aren’t always harmonious. Shit happens. Sometimes the beat sounds great. But the lyrics are harmful. There’s a beat in our heart. And most def a beat between our legs. The beats vibrate, causing our hips to gyrate. That beat is called excitement and sometimes it’s caused by horniness.
Think about this. Where do things we create come from? Do they come from our heart? Our mind? Or between our legs? Answer! There is no right or wrong answer.
Where do babies come from?
Life exist right there between our legs. Between our legs is all the power in the world. Some of what exist between our legs have caused the fall of politicians, celebrities, and everyday people.
Stuff has been bought, sold, traded and murdered because of what’s between our legs.
Monday, March 7, 2011
This Sistah has got it going on between her legs....WOW
This sistah has got it going on between her legs.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Oprah and Gayle go camping, need to stop playin’
So the Oprah show for the next two days will be about blacks and the lack of diversity at the national parks. Well that’s just fantastic. No really it is. I love parks and I have been camping for at least two decades. So really, I think it’s great. But I also a little bombed out that Oprah, nor Gayle has not come calling about my book--Soulful Vagina. Heeeeeelloooooo Oprah instead of doing two shows on camping, how about putting me on your show. C’mon Oprah, don’t make me beg.
Good night blog readers, to lazy to edit this post.......
Dr. Phil goes “hard” on Kelli Williams-Bolar
First, about this blog. Don’t let the title fool ya. This blog seeks to empower and educate women. We desire to provide a forum in which woman can have open and honest conversations on a variety of topics. We receive lots of comments from men, and that’s great. We welcome men to join in regarding topics on this blog. Also, check the website soulfulvagina.com
First if you aren’t familiar with Williams-Bolar a little about her.
Kelly Williams-Bolar is an Ohio mother who was convicted of lying about her children’s residency so that they could attend a better school. While she was convicted, it has been reported that her children lived with her father, in that school district and were in fact eligible to attend the school.
Today Williams-Bolar was will appear on the Dr. Phil show. From the previews of the show and according to published reports, Dr. Phil was incredibly tough on Williams-Bolar, which has struck a nerve with some in the community.
Jazzy a regular to this blog sent an email. Here’s part of her email, “Dr. Phil let’s white women get away with all types of shit on his show, so I don’t get why wants to make her the poster child for bad behavior.”
I haven’t seen the show. Will record and watch it later. So what do you think, was Dr. Phil to hard on Williams-Bolar.
Do tell?
And don't forget to check her interview on the Al Sharpton radio show today. Go to the webiste National Action Network.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
To Shave or not to Shave?
I read an interesting article in Clutch an online magazine. The article raises the question to shave or not to shave pubic hair. What do you think? Do you shave?
Oh do tell.
Gayle King, big butt white woman?
A well-intentioned white woman approached me in the grocery store and asked me if anybody had ever told me that I looked like Gayle King. They had. I don’t. Indeed, many consider Gayle King to be a delish woman of color, but I don’t look anything like her.
Although we have the same hair color, occasionally sport bangs, and...well never mind.
The other day when I was hanging out with my well-intentioned inebriated aunt she told me, “ I hate black people. I love real niggas.” Sometimes when you don’t agree with a drunk relatives bullshit rhetoric, they accuse you of being a fake black person. I’m not. But like most people, I have a certain standard that I live by, as does my aunt when she’s not fucked up drinking.
Recently, Gayle King’s radio program begin airing in our town. My aunt hates Gayle King’s show as do some blacks in our city. Some believe that her show touches on topics that are out of touch with black Americans.
Question. Is Gayle King’s show out of touch with black America, and if so does it matter? Have you listened to the Gayle King show? If so, what do you think about the show?
Oh, do tell in the comment section below.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Steve Harvey tells Dr. Phil’s guest to use baby oil
Wonderful Readers please follow us on twitter @soulfulvagina or like us on facebook Soulful Vagina
On Thursday Steve Harvey appeared on Dr. Phil’s show in his pimp suit, pimping his new book ‘Straight Talk, No Chaser’, which is a follow up to his best selling book ‘Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man’.
He appeared on the show with his new wife and gave advice to couples with problems. One man he advised to rub his woman down with baby oil. Hmmmm, wonder if Steve Harvey’s read the Soulful Vagina playbook.
I never watched Steve Harvey’s ex-wife, Mary Harvey, YouTube videos, in which she allegedly blasts Steve Harvey. But I did catch bits and pieces of the interview that she gave to Tom Joyner.
As a woman, I felt sorry for Mary Harvey, although I only have one side of a three-sided story. Steve’s side, Mary’s side and the truth.
Peace to the trio. Mary, when all else fails masturbate.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Piss your man off--tell him that you are about to go masturbate
Ladies how to piss your man off, when he’s fkg pissed you off
So today it’s raining cats and dogs. It’s supposed to rain up to three inches. I asked my hubby (soon to be ex) to go get the cell phone that I left in my car. He wouldn’t. Now mind you if I wasn’t a little under the weather, I’d go get it. Anyway, he refused to get it. Now it’s time for bed and he wants to “lay up.” not a chance. I grabbed my SV spray and headed for the spare bedroom. I told him I was going to masturbate. He went beserk. Ladies nothing pisses your man off than if you tell them you are about to go masturbate. If they don’t kill you first, sneak off into a different room and groan and moan like your are fking the shit out of yourself. Nothing will piss your man off more.
Forgive the shitty unedited post, it’s raining, I’m tired.
Monday, February 21, 2011
God, the Bible and Masturbation--your thoughts?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Check out Soulful Vagina's upcoming interview Thursday
Exciting news! We will debut our new book on the Lincoln Ware show on Thursday February 17, 2011. Please tune into the show around 1pm. You may also stream the show at thebuzzcincy.com
Please call in with your questions. The # is 513.749.1230
We wil be at the 2011 Black Book Fair presented by 1230 AM WDBZ and the sister stations 100.3 MOJO and 101.1 the Wiz.
The bookfair will take place on Saturday February 19th, 2011 at Woodward Career Technical High School. 7005 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45237
Time 10 am – 5pm
The new book.
Soulful Vagina, the little book that gives you big ideas on how to celebrate, what “doing you” really means
Monday, January 31, 2011
New Soulful Vagina book to debut Feb 19
We will debut the book at the 2011 Black Book Fair presented by 1230 AM WDBZ and the sister stations 100.3 MOJO and 101.1 the Wiz.
The bookfair will take place on Saturday February 19th, 2011 at Woodward Career Technical High School. 7005 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45237
Time 10 am - 5pm
(mention you saw it on this blog and receive, free gift with purchase).
The new book.
Soulful Vagina, the little book that gives you big ideas on how to celebrate, what "doing you" really means
Friday, January 21, 2011
Where Soulful Vagina will be next
Details on upcoming bookfair and new book coming soon. Check back in a few days.
Soulful Vagina The little book that gives you BIG ideas on how to celebrate - What "doing you" really means.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Have a Souful Succulent Snowy Tuesday....
Wishing everyone a soulful Succulent Snowy Tuesday.
Great things, like this blog and the website take time. We are working on it and hope to bring you information soon. VALENTINES 2011.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
"I love my soulful vagina."
Say that line to the next person that attempts to "play" you.
or you could say, "I'm lovin' it."
Thought for today. Love self!
Holla if you hear me out there.
Commnets welcome. Don't be shy. It's a New Year.
About Me
Blog Archive
- Safer Sex....your thoughts....
- How do you unwind?
- Would you pay for it?
- Greetings Sunday Sinners.....
- Saturday Quickie
- This Sistah has got it going on between her legs.....
- Oprah and Gayle go camping, need to stop playin’
- Dr. Phil goes “hard” on Kelli Williams-Bolar
- To Shave or not to Shave?
- Gayle King, big butt white woman?