Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Quickie

Celebrate you by keeping a harmonious song in your heart and elsewhere. Why don’t some people speak? Hello. Why don’t they think before they speak? Who knows.

And the beat goes on. Doesn’t it? Themes flow through our lives. The themes aren’t always harmonious. Shit happens. Sometimes the beat sounds great. But the lyrics are harmful. There’s a beat in our heart. And most def a beat between our legs. The beats vibrate, causing our hips to gyrate. That beat is called excitement and sometimes it’s caused by horniness.

Think about this. Where do things we create come from? Do they come from our heart? Our mind? Or between our legs? Answer! There is no right or wrong answer.

Where do babies come from?

Life exist right there between our legs. Between our legs is all the power in the world. Some of what exist between our legs have caused the fall of politicians, celebrities, and everyday people.

Stuff has been bought, sold, traded and murdered because of what’s between our legs.

Listen closely. It’s important to be careful about who you share your soulful music with. Your soulful music can bring forth children, bring forth destruction better known as disease. In its simplest form it can bring forth pleasure, masturbation.

So go ahead, make music between your legs, but make sure that its good music. Make it a hit.


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