Thursday, February 24, 2011

Piss your man off--tell him that you are about to go masturbate

Ladies how to piss your man off, when he’s fkg pissed you off

So today it’s raining cats and dogs. It’s supposed to rain up to three inches. I asked my hubby (soon to be ex) to go get the cell phone that I left in my car. He wouldn’t. Now mind you if I wasn’t a little under the weather, I’d go get it. Anyway, he refused to get it. Now it’s time for bed and he wants to “lay up.” not a chance. I grabbed my SV spray and headed for the spare bedroom. I told him I was going to masturbate. He went beserk. Ladies nothing pisses your man off than if you tell them you are about to go masturbate. If they don’t kill you first, sneak off into a different room and groan and moan like your are fking the shit out of yourself. Nothing will piss your man off more.

Forgive the shitty unedited post, it’s raining, I’m tired.


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