Friday, April 20, 2012

Brace yourself. You are going to be blown away, by this story or maybe not.  Would you have sex with a robot?  Read the story here, then report back to SV.  Would you "do" a robot?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today I saw Sabrina/Sybrina Fulton on the Today show.  BTW, what is the correct spelling of her name? I saw a news story in a major online newspaper that spelled Ms. Fulton’s name Sybrina in the headline, than later spelled it Sabrina in the story.
On the Today show Ms. Fulton stated that she believed the shooting death of her son was an “accident.” My immediate reaction was to drop my head.  Then a second later – I lifted my head proudly.  My She-ro.
It takes one hell of a woman to forgive the unforgivable.  In case you’ve been living under a rock – you know that Trayvon Martin was shot down like a mangy dog  by George Zimmerman.
But Ms. Fulton, true to her faith in God and fully aware that  hostile comments about George Zimmerman may  not “play” well in the heads of certain audience members – took the high road. I also believe she was flat out exhausted from doing interviews and gave a safe answer.
Nevertheless no one could blame her if she had said, that she wanted George Zimmerman to rot in hell before he’s tried in the court of law.  Anybody remember the Simpson/Goldman families?
There are countless people (especially poor people and people of color)  that are tried in the media and the court of public opinion, before they are ever – if ever – tried in the court of law.
 And there are countless people that want to hang “certain people”  in the court of public opinion, before they hang them at high noon in the court room.
Black people – we can be some of the most forgiving – God fearing people  on this earth. God love us.


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